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Mary holds a doctorate in Theological Ethics and an Honours degree in Religious Studies, as well as a Post-graduate teacher’s diploma. She has worked in the fields of education, both in formal institutions – schools, colleges and universities, as well as in community-based projects with a focus on women’s development. She also spent time as a research fellow at Cambridge University in 2008, has written several books on religious, spiritual and theological topics, as well as having edited and co-authored and managed a number of publishing projects.


Mary is an ordained priest within the Roman Catholic Womanpriest (RCWP) movement and serves a community in the Cape Town area. RCWP is an international movement of renewal within the Roman Catholic Church. For information about the RCWP movement see

“Its mission is to prepare, ordain in Apostolic Succession, and support primarily women who are called by the Holy Spirit and their communities to a renewed priestly ministry rooted in justice and faithfulness to the Gospel.”


Mary and co-priest Ann Ralston, serve two communities in the Cape - one based in Cape Town and the second in the Helderberg. The communities meet for Open Table Eucharist, as well as for house gatherings, meditation, and other celebrations. For information about services, contact Mary


She is married to Alan and together they have parented four sons and now enjoying the delights of grand parenting.

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